Bài đăng

Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2018

Introduction to vietnamese bluestone pavers & tiles

Bluestone pavers  are used in a variety of architectural and design applications. These  pavers  are normally used in areas like courtyards, sidewalks, patios,  garden paths , landscaping, pool coping, entertainment area, steps, and driveways. These pavers are  made of natural stone , which is quarried around the world. Natural bluestone is usually cut into rectangular and square shapes and is quite thin. In Vietnam, bluestone is quarried in the regions of Thanh Hoa. Aside from the mentioned applications,  bluestone pavers  can also be used as  building stones , paving flagstone, and veneers. Many say that bluestone is one of the most versatile building stones and has been for centuries. Bluestone pavers are great for use as fireplace and sidewalk accents. These pavers are also use for the stairway construction and capping steps. The pavers are also very versatile when it comes to landscaping purposes. Bluestone Pavers Uses Why  use ...